Rail Disaster at Harrow & Wealdstone 1952
At 8.19am. on October 8th. 1952. Coronation Pacific '46342 City Of Glasgow' at the head of the up Perth / Euston sleeper, at 100 kpm/hr ran into the rear of the 7.31am Tring / Euston local, which had stopped in Harrow & Wealdstone station. The driver of 46242 having missed the Harrow distant signal which was at caution, because of fog.
The wreckage was then hit by the down 8am. Euston/Liverpool/Manchester express which was travelling also at 100km/hr. Double headed by '45637 Windward Islands' and the just rebuilt
'46202 Princess Anne'.
As a result 111 people died and 349 were injured.
photo Hulton Deutsch Collection.
photo Hulton Deutsch Collection.
The wreckage also brought down the station overbridge.
45637 and 46202 travelled up onto, along and over the platform and landed on the running lines of the next platform. The tender of 45637 can be seen minus its wheels which had been torn off. The clock tower clock reads 8.19.*********************
photo K Willows Collection.
photo K Willows Collection.
45637 as it was after the impact.
photo National Railway Museum.
46202 Princess Anne.Had been in traffic for only 2 months after having been rebuilt from the LMS experimental Turbomotive. It was scapped.*********************
photo National Railway Museum.
Also scrapped was 45637 Windward Islands.
photo D.T. Greenwood.
46242 City Of Glasgow went on to be rebuilt