Next Meetings

1. The Train Show at Pioneer Stadium. October 3rd & 4th. Setting up on the Friday evening about 6pm. If you can help give me a call.

2. December Meeting. At Robin's: on December 6th.

Quiz Time

Mystery Pullman - What brand is it? I did not know what it was when I got it, but with help from lan & Michael I have found out. Same colours as a Hornby Ml Pullman but with red roof. Has "British Made" on each end but no trade name. Answer below...

Meeting Report

At the meeting on 16/8/98. A nice day for a drive up the hill to the meeting. There was a notice on the wall saying "The Hornby day when you are seeing no Hornby'."
It happened that the collectors trains had been packed away for storage when he was overseas but whilst most had been unpacked now the Hornby items remained out of sight. However, there was still plenty to see.
There was a sizeable collection of USA trains - Lionel, Marx, American Flyer. Locos & rolling stock were displayed in neat rows on tables. Many were from prewar times, postwar too and including some recent models. Some plastic too but good old diecast metal an
An American Flyer Burlington Zephyr was an unusual sight. All diecast body unlike Lionels Flying Yankee. We hope to see it running one day but in the meantime it needs work. In prewar days American Flyer was 0 gauge but changed to S after the war (7/8").
British trains were represented by some Bassett-Lowke, Leeds, & Brimtoy/Mettoy. Plus some Bing from Germany.
Down on the floor was an oval of 072 track. A little bottom-of-the-range American Flyer of 1927 vintage with original coaches ran with plenty of zing. Visiting items included Mike (all the way from Dunedin) K Line diesel switcher with four hopper cars, all with different numbers. Robin ran MO but it found the Lionel track a bit tight in the gauge.
Hugh showed a very nice Hornby No.2 Tank with SAR/SAS markings, rather rare'. Also a super No.2 Pullman, brown & cream.
Ray showed recent acquisitions from England - a pair of great old Bing bogie coaches with hinged roots to show interior furnishings. Ray also came home with a nice Hornby Double Wine Wagon, something he had always wanted. Plus some papers by Roy, for gluing on old coach wagon bodies. Not to mention a mech-less Royal Scot too. but its OK. Ray has a couple of 3c mechs on hand.
Arthur brought some old cigarette cards of railway interest and of considerable collectable value I guess.

We were pleased to welcome Glynn and son David.

Answer to quiz= The make is Betal, marketed by J & H Glasman, Plaistow, London, but actually made by Dunham Wise Co, Ltd. They made tinplate toys of various types but trains only between 1948 & 1953(?).
Anybody got any Betal? Were they sold in NZ? See you at the trainshow.

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