UK Railways Experimental & Prototype 10001

photo; Peter Groom

One of the L.M.S. pioneer diesel electrics 10001 is seen here at Willesden loco sheds, they would go there about once per week for examination.
Two pits were reserved for 'diesels only' because of the fire risk if a steam loco ddropped hot ashs onto the oil soaked pit floor.

1-Co+Co-1 Diesel Electric
Introduced 1947:
English Electric Co. and H.A. Ivatt for the L.M.S
Weight 121tons 10cwt.
Driving wheels 3' 6"
T.E. 41,400lbs.
Engine; English Electric Co. 16clys 1,600h.p.
Motors; Six nose suspended motors, single reduction gear drive.
two locomotives were built 10000 and 10001

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